Don't you just hate when a cute top gets a stain or a hole somewhere on the sleeve? With kids, it happens alot. This time, the shirt was too cute to land in the trash can. Here's what we did & you should too!
I made this, just as before, like The Make-up Bag. You can check that out in April 2013 section.
This is a great way to re-use, re-purpose, and recycle those adorable items we hate getting rid of.
The girls love it and found it the perfect size for their lip glosses.
A few things that are good to know:
~ I never pre-measure the old shirts. I cut the most of what is usable.
After, is when I hunt down the perfect size zipper.
~ If your using t-shirt fabric, lining is a good thing. It helps your pouch keep
the perfect shape.
~ If you don't have a serger, use your zig-zag stitch after your straight stitch.
This will keep your ends from fraying and it looks alot neater.
Happy Trails:)
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