The diagonal of the skirt with the vertical and horizontal top is eye catching, so I wanted to keep this element in my project. I got a Butterick Pattern, some red, white, and blue plaid shirting fabric, (which was not a good choice according to the ladies at the fabric store....) and off I went.
After measuring, and starting to piece my dress together, I realized the skirt was fabulous on its own. Therefore, no one piece here. I decided to make a separate top and bottom to maximize my options. The skirt looks great with a pair of leather brown boots for fall.

Overall, I'm happy with the turnout. Is it a replica? Of course not, but the inspiration was well worth the journey. I learned how interfacing should be used, how to place a zipper between lining and face material, and how one should adjust the bust line after the sections are connected. There are still some changes I plan to make: adding navy bias tape to the end of the skirt for a more finished appearance and straps to the top. Fyi: the pattern was simple to use. I've already used the skirt pattern on two other fabrics. The shape is so feminine and flattering.
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